
Thursday, April 29, 2010

Intraday outlook of Market for April 30, 2010

  1. Nifty

Nifty looking good for buy only above 5280

Risky trader can short Nifty below 5275 with stop loss of 5280

Safe trader can short Nifty below 5250 with stop loss of 5280

(Below 5250 nifty is weaker)

Buy nifty only above 5280 in intraday today with stop loss of 5270

  1. Bank Nifty

Bank Nifty looking good as long as it stay above 9860 level

Buy Bank Nifty above 9860 with stop loss of 9850

Short below 9840 with stop loss of 9870

  1. ABAN

As long as stay above 1199 level is looking good for holding long

Short only below 1194 with stop loss of 1200

Buy above 1200 with stop loss of 1193

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